Thank you for your work, Marley. Every time I read one of your pieces I feel both solidarity with you and racial justice as well as despair knowing that it is my people who act so cruelly. I am with you in the awareness that white racial justice activism needs to take place within white communities, and that we need to hold each other accountable for our (mis)behaviors. There are a few essays I’m finishing up about the problematics of whiteness that I hope get circulated here on Medium, for I want to help generate white accountability for the cruelty we so regularly and effortlessly inflict by outlining the fallacious premises and repressed wounds upon which racist behaviors depend. White supremacy harms white people too, but this doesn’t make us victims; we are fully responsible for racism (and all the other -isms on the white supremacy tool belt), and need to start realizing that we oppress others because we are subjugated within ourselves by a false sense of superiority. I’m starting a doctoral program soon and will have a lot of institutional support for this kind of work with fellow white researchers and educators who are also committed to understanding why we white folks misbehave and how we can intervene within white communities to make things better. I will continue writing on Medium in the meantime, and thank you for continually releasing poignant calls to action that inspire me and other white folks to look inside ourselves and see our role in maintaining systems of oppression. I stand with you in solidarity and find that my fist is often trembling.