Okay, so what is a man?

d shul
6 min readDec 6, 2022
Photo by Daniyal Khalil on Unsplash

Here’s a confession: I have never met a man.
I have met many people who identify as men, but real men? I have no idea.
I do not know what constitutes a real man.

I do, however, know what constitutes a unicorn: if I find a horse-like creature with a horn naturally growing out of its head, then I know that I have found a unicorn. Given the clarity of what constitutes a unicorn, I can more easily determine whether or not I have encountered one (and, to be clear, I haven’t [yet, at least]).

But what about a man? What would I need to encounter in order to be able to conclude that I have encountered a real man? I honestly have no idea.

This book and documentary came out this year (2022).

Lately conservative discourse has been circulating around the question of what is a woman. I have not found a clear answer to this question either, and it seems neither have conservatives… unless, of course, a woman is a uterus. If women are uteruses, then men must be dicks. What a grim and very popular way to undermine human potential.

I would like to believe that there is more to being a man than acting like a dick but I am…

