I’m happy to hear that you can relate to this article and that it has got you to ask new questions about the healing process. I think healing is always possible but requires a lot of patience and determination to get better and not bitter. Narcissism is tricky because it seems to preclude awareness of itself, but I know that there are recovering narcissists who have realized the need to change their ways of relating to others. Ultimately it seems like someone has to decide for themselves that they are not happy with their lives and must take responsibility for their own healing by recognizing areas for improvement. This applies to everyone, including narcissists, but sometimes the problem is pretending that there is no problem, and if this is the case then there isn’t much that another person can do to convince the person of the problem. Habits of thinking and relating have a lot to do with these kinds of personality-related issues, so healing could begin by identifying these patterns (which it seems like you have) and then seeking support to modify them. Thank you for sharing and I hope your healing journey proceeds smoothly!