I hear what you're saying and appreciate your bluntness. You're right, it's not fair for me to assume your ethnicity or beliefs--I recognize this is the white thing to do, though, and I own that it's not a cute look. I appreciate being held accountable and understand this as a learning opportunity. I can't easily see my whiteness because it's everywhere (like asking a fish about water), but I definitely see that white folks consistently act problematically and recognize racism is ultimately a white person's problem given we're the ones who created this mess in the first place. I have a sharper gender/sexual analysis based in my own lived experiences but admit I have a lot more work to do in understanding race given my whiteness.
I still disagree with you, however, about human nature because I do not believe it is inherently as violent or competitive as we have been collectively led to believe. The naturalization of war is not natural or necessary, and neither is capitalism nor racism, sexism, classism, or any of the other ritualized and structurally-sanctioned forms of domination. Animals fight for survival and we fight for sport and entertainment. The fossil record suggests humans were not a warring species until the advent of agriculture in which humans ceased continually migrating and began developing the concept of possession and ownership (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/war-is-not-part-of-human-nature/). The animals are laughing at us fight amongst ourselves while they do what is necessary to survive without making it more complicated or difficult than it needs to be. Humans are failed animals and our failure seems based in the capitalist requirement to continually produce (language, labor power, competition, dominance, hierarchies, etc.) and refute nature.
I think humans tend toward generosity and communality sans capitalism (observe how folks come together after natural disasters without government assistance unless folks begin hoarding resources), and that racial hierarchies cannot be enforced without the uneven distributions of power capitalism provides. Also want to mention that the US government has played an active role in ensuring burgeoning socialist societies do not advance beyond a failed experiment. We collect guns and fetishize violence but cannot see nudity on television for important reasons.