Aww I’m so happy to hear that you think this is the best article you’ve read about narcissism! It means a lot to hear this, so thank you for sharing it. I wrote this with people like you in mind because I noticed that most of the writing I’ve encountered about narcissism is about the narcissist themselves — what they’re like, what they do, and how to deal with them… but there wasn’t much about how narcissism affects other people. I realize now that this is not only ironic (as this kind of writing performs the kind of narcissistic supplying that maintains narcissistic egos), but also not very helpful because those who read about narcissism are probably those affected by narcissists (a narcissist wouldn’t be reading about their issues). I’m thus so happy to know that emphasizing the impact of NPD on other people resonated with you, and that the timing of your encounter with this article is synchronous. I hope your healing proceeds well and that your boundaries are sturdy. Thank you also for recommending those books! I am particularly interested in reading Healing the Shame that Binds You, as I feel colonized by shame. Thanks for reading and I hope your journey proceeds productively.